Solar Screen

Let It Be Any Cavity of Building Covered with simple Glass, We Can Reduce that Heat Induction by 75%

Solar Screen for Windows

Solar screen design to restrict the thermal induction through any opening covered with glass, keeping in view the local climate condition of Pakistan, where in summer we experience 42 to 48 C throughout the country, we understand the science of solar heat gain. Our experienced R&D team enables us to develop unique products that offer unrivaled performance. Our main services are to provide thermal insulation of windows & automobiles.

Most people consider double-glazed windows to be the best solution for heat control. A study of many different double-glazed windows in Pakistan found these windows only stop between 28% and 30% of the solar heat. Adding imported low-E glass adds a great deal of cost, but the performance benefits are not substantial.

Since 54% of the sun’s heat is carried in infrared rays, our climate control window films have high infrared heat rejection as a primary function. Our products also offer 99% rejection of harmful UV rays to avoid faded furnishings and offer anti-glare properties to improve vision clarity.

Our films have a heat-absorbing or heat-reflecting rejection layer. This layer also reflects indoor radiant heat to prevent heat loss. This enables our films to keep your space cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.


What Make it Different?

There is much similar product available in the market but Solar screen is unique in a performance that work as insulation barrier that works in a way rejection of Solar Energy, UV and Infrared is proportionate to its product line;

Solar Screen is one of its kind solution available with us which is equally effective in Residential buildings, Commercial Plaza and in automobiles

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Our professional team of experts is on hand to provide customers with creative ideas, recommendations and guidance, specifically regarding Doors and Windows, Glass Thermal Insulation & Solar System

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